Point of view

Skulle haft en klass på besök idag, och presenterat engelsk skönlitteratur. Nu dök de inte upp - missförstånd mellan lärarna - men jag hade i alla fall letat upp några korta historier att läsa för dem. Här är en av dem - på tema fördomar och främlingsfientlighet:

A man is out walking in New York City when he sees a little girl being chased by a fierce dog. He fights off the dog by hitting the dog’s head with a stick and saves the girl’s life.

The girl’s mother rushes over to him: “Thank you so much for saving my little girl. You are a true hero. Tomorrow all the newspapers will have headlines about ‘Brave New Yorker Saves the Life of Young Girl’”

“But I’m not a New Yorker,” the man says.

“Oh, then it will say in all the newspapers Brave American Saves Life of Young Girl,”
says the mother.

“But I’m not an American neither,” the man says.

“So, what are you then?” asks the mother.

“I’m an Iranian,” the man replied politely.

The next day he sees the newspaper headlines:

“Islamic Extremist Kills American Dog.”


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